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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Star Wars : The Phantom Menace

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Game Name : Star Wars : The Phantom Menace
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:48:46
Views : 11409

Cheat :
In the game, press backspace then enter:

oldcode = Displays "debug 1". Typing a second time displays "debug 2".

happy = Weapon 3 has more power and displays "Open your heart". Typing again returns weapon 3 to normal power and displays "Excellent meditating!".

from above = Changes camera to above player and displays "Get up on it". Typing again places camera directly behind player (displays "Get down ag''''in").

naughty naughty = Places camera directly behind player and displays "Behold my neck-spike". Typing again returns camera to normal and displays "Blort!".

perf = Wireframes on/off.

60fps = Displays "60". Typing again displays "30".

but i feel so good = Push force power color is changed to red and displays "You''''re the guy with the Force". Typing again changes Push force color back to purple and displays "Play nice".

perfection = Purple colored Push force power now kills and displays "Deadly force authorized". Typing again returns Purple colored Push force power to normal and displays "Nobody''''s perfect".

slowmo = Slowmo mode (displays "Super slowmo mode"). Typing again returns to normal speed (displays "Normal mode").

beyond cinema = "letter-box" movie mode. Typing again returns to normal and displays "Back to ''''ol pan-n-scan".

turntables = Cheat codes won''''t work correctly from now on and displays "The tables have turned". Some will display "No More Cheating for You". Typing again displays "It was just a dream... OR WAS IT?!" It appears the only way to return things to normal is to exit the game and restart.

i like to cheat = Gives all weapons and adds 500 shots to weapon 2, 500 to weapon 3, 5 to weapon 4, 1 to weapon 5, and 10 to weapon 6 (displays message "You are now the biggest cheater in the world".

give me life = Sets health to 100 (even if already set higher) and displays "Rock on".

heal it up = Sets health to 100 (even if already set higher) and displays "Rock on".

where is gurshick = Runs credits.

gurshick = Runs credits.

brenando = Displays "Tech Bonus!".

rex = Red lines around menu boxes on/off and displays "Feel the power of REX".

iamqueen = Play as Queen Amidala.

iampanaka = Play as Captain Panaka.

iamquigon = Play as Qui-Gon Jinn.

iamobi = Play as Obi-Wan Kenobi.

i rule the world = Displays "Youd da Man".

i really stink = Skill level set to easy and displays "Skill Level Set to Weenie".

fps = Display frames-per-second on/off.

donttttt = Kills player and displays "That''''s what you get for saying that".

rrrrright = Kills player and displays "That''''s what you get for saying that".

kill me now = Kills player and displays "DON''''T DO IT MAN!!!!".

drop a beat = Waving screen effect and displays "No, really, I feel fine". Typing again returns to normal and displays "Back to reality".

Hint :
Refil Life :
During play hold [backspace] and type Give me life. Can only be done 5 times and the game will become harder each time you do this.

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